You can install pip-frame.el from [[][MELPA]]. If you use [[][straight.el]] and
prefer using source repos directly, you can install pip-frame.el as
#+begin_src elisp
'(pip-frame :type git
:repo ""
:local-repo "pip-frame"))
For manual installation, simply put [[./pip-frame.el][pip-frame.el]] file to your
=site-lisp= directory and add the following to your Emacs configuration:
The PIP frame is created using =M-x pip-frame-add-buffer= command. You
can use the command repeatedly to add more buffers to the PIP frame.
A buffer can be removed from the PIP frame using
=M-x pip-frame-remove-buffer= command. If the last buffer is removed
from the PIP frame, the frame is deleted. The frame can also be
deleted any time using =M-x pip-frame-delete-frame=.
If the frame obscures anything important, you can move it elsewhere
with =M-x pip-frame-move=.
There are no key bindings. Feel free to add them to your
configuration if needed. But these commands are not very frequent and
tools such as [[][Icomplete mode]] or [[][smex]] are likely to serve better than
tons of key shortcuts.
** Customization
Use =M-x customize-group RET pip-frame RET= to customize pip-frame.el.
Some customization examples:
- To place the PIP frame to right top rather than to right bottom: